Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thing 12 Twitter Has Me Buzzin'

Whatya doing?
No what are you doing?
You mean whatever?
U R totally wasting char spaces

Let people know what I'm doing in 140 spaces? Sound like I'm speaking to a teenager. It's amazing they say more on Twitter and Facebook that to someone's face (or at least their parent's face). It's not like I dislike Twitter. I like it. It helps me follow some of my colleagues, other librarians, artists and interesting people. If you're interested, curious or just nosy (the world now is practically a fishbowl), you can following me @
I usually try to keep my tweets art related, book related, movie related, movies based on books related and of course, library related.

It's so amazing how the world unfolds on twitter. Would the world know about the events unfolding in Iran so closely without Twitter? There was a song that stated: "The Revolution will not be televised". No, it will be Twittered.

In case you're wondering, I did skip and couple of things. I'll get back to them. Facebook? I'll tackle that after the 4th of July weekend.

To all of the fathers out there, especially my Dad, happy Father's Day! Keep reading.

Queen B.

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